Research Ethics

Ethics committee Approval 

All submitted manuscript should include ethics approval statement with approving university or institute name and approval number if available for all human and animal studies. 

Also, whether a consent form was signed by all participant should be mentioned under methods part. 

Research ethics for studies involving the participation of vulnerable populations
Vulnerable groups in research are categories of people who are not legally able to provide informed consent due to age or incapacity.
They include the following:  The following groups may be included in this category:
children (under 18), students,
people with language difficulties,
those with intellectual or mental impairments or neurological conditions,
certain groups of the elderly (with physical or mental impairment),
those in incarceration, and those in dependent or unequal relationships (teacher/lecturer-student, therapist-client, employees as participants).
Other groups may also be included depending on the situation.

Patient consent forms

Ensuring patients' privacy is crucial. Please gather and maintain copies of patient consent forms on which patients or other subjects of your investigations explicitly express permission for the dissemination of images or other material that could identify them.
If your study consent form does not include this, please obtain it or remove any identifying information. Additionally, include a note in the 'Methods' section of your work indicating that consent was obtained. If necessary, the Editors can seek a copy of any consent forms.