Global Journal of Public Health Medicine: Announcements 2023-08-31T07:17:36+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Global Journal of Public Health Medicine (GJPHM) publishes original articles only in English Language covering the fields of public health such as epidemiology, family health, nutrition, occupational health, environmental health, and clinical research. </p> <p><strong>Frequency: </strong>GJPHM Publish (<strong>2)</strong> Issues per year<br /><br />​<strong>ISSN:</strong> 2664-4657</p> <p><strong>Publisher:</strong> Education in Action (EIA) </p> <p><strong>Journal Scope</strong></p> <p>GJPHM is an international journal that publishes high-quality articles in the field of public health. </p> <p><br />The following research areas are accepted in GJPHM:<br />* Epidemiology &amp; Statistics <br />* Family Health<br />* Preventive Medicine<br />* Nutrition <br />* Occupational Health<br />* Environmental Health <br />​* Health Management </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Journal Indexed in Asian Science Citation Index 2023-08-31T07:17:36+00:00 Global Journal of Public Health Medicine <p>Dear All, </p> <p>We are glad to announce that our journal is now indexed in Asian Science Citation Index </p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> 2023-08-31T07:17:36+00:00 Journal indexed in DOAJ 2021-04-19T10:23:33+00:00 Global Journal of Public Health Medicine 2021-04-19T10:23:33+00:00